Physical Fitness Month 6

Here is what I have done in Month 6, December 18th-March 18th and beyond…the goal now is to ‘maintain’.

Exercise 5 times a week:

Monday-Friday: 60 minutes of Cardio on the treadmill, set at an incline of 3-4 and speed of 3.5-4.5, while watching “The Price is Right” on CBS hosted by Drew Carey.

Monday Night: Strength Training Full Body (1 hour)

Wednesday Morning: 60 minutes of Cardio / Strength Training Upper (30 minutes)

Thursday Morning: 60 minutes of Cardio / Strength Training Mid & Lower (25 minutes)

Friday Morning: Bonus – Whatever I can pull off.

One exercise change from the chart is  I cut out the ‘torso twist’ and replaced with 25-30 situps and some wrist curls with free-weights.

I cut out Diet Sodas  at the top of the new year. This was definitely a disruption – cold turkey – and switched to ‘water with lemon’ – natural real lemons when possible, lemon juice packs when not available.

I continued drinking 2 cups of white or green tea daily, along with Methyl B-12 and Methyl Folate and Omega supplements to compensate for my sea-food allergy & help with heart issues.

Continue to upload data to the Tractivity website.