Highland Park Church
Highland Park Churchm, non-denomnational church in Nashville.
5710 Knob Rd,
Nashville, TN 37209
Sunday Service: 10am
October 15, 2023

Highland Park Church is a seeker friendly church with a very relaxed atmosphere. From start to finish, the service is very non threatening for the seeker yet seems to offer a multitude of opportunities for those seeking more outside Sunday Service – where it all starts.

Starting on the inside Highland Park Church is set up to be very welcoming with café style chairs and a café area in the lobby. Once inside, a lot of slides review different activities available throughout the week: Indoor Trick or Treat, Womens’ Retreat, Men’s meeting, Women’s Leadership forum and more. The room offers a vast amount of seating a well for a good worship experience.

Speaking of the worship experience, it was very compact. There were a few worship songs with a band playing. Everyone sat through the entire set – in fact the entire service. Standing was only encouraged during the closing prayer. There were at least 3 screens to see the words which made the songs very accessible as well as scriptures – later on.

The normal transition with announcements and giving followed. What was interesting to me was the sheer number of things they offer for people to do outside of Sunday service. From men’s events to women’s events to community events they seemed to have an option for everyone – opportunities to show God’s Love – which incidentally was pretty close to the message topic at this non-denomnational church in Nashville.

The message was “God is Love” but with a twist. The speaker sought to re-define the popular phrase “God is Love” by stating it is misunderstood – that there are things to be cognizant of such as God’s correction and discipline. The message was very seeker friendly and short. Before I knew it, it was over – except for a short time of standing for a closing prayer.
Leaving the church was very straight forward and speedy. Highland Park Church got people in-and-out inside of 70 minutes while still covering the bases. The only time standing was required or encouraged was during a closing prayer. Seeker friendly and non threatening both cover the bases for this activity-filled congregation at Highland Park Church, a non-denomnational church in Nashville.